Friday, March 11, 2011

So Trendy...

We are always hearing about the newest trend or that one thing that we just have to do and the latest trend that really peaks my interest is Groupons.  A Groupon is exactly what it sounds like—a mixture between the word group and coupon.  The website is a group buying site that presents online buyers with amazing discounts on products.  I was reading online articles and found that Forbes is naming this the fastest-growing website company in history.

Check it out at:

I am a server at a restaurant called Fins Bar and Grill and this past winter my manager showed me what some of my tables may be giving me when they are ready to pay their bill. She told me it was a Groupon and explained that it was good for $20 off of their bill. The thing is, they only paid $9 for it.  The website negotiates discounts with businesses and the buyers usually end up getting over 50 percent off.  They send out discounts to people’s emails and the businesses get new customers. It’s a win win situation.  So far the website has saved customers more than $35 million.  There’s a video on how Groupon works on YouTube, another public relations social media trend.
Watch that here:

The Today Show also covered Groupons in a news story:


  1. I have heard of Groupons but I never really knew exactly how they worked. Now that I understand it I will definitely have to check out the website and see what kind of deals are out there. I think this is a great PR trend that helps both the business and consumers as well!

  2. I have never heard of Groupons, they sound awesome. I am so happy that you actually thought of this to share because I might actually start using them. Thanks!!

  3. This is awesome! I have never heard of Groupons. I have an app on my phone that is full of coupons and I love it! I LOVE coupons so thanks for this awesome info!! I will be visiting this website for sure :)
